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On 14 May in Vienna there will be a meeting with Leonid Parfenov - journalist, documentary filmmaker and public figure.
A new programme awaits you: Leonid Parfenov will talk about the latest volume of "Namedni. Our era. 2016-2020". In the 12th book meets Monetochka and Mishustin, "Petrov with Boshirov", Yuri Dud and Greta Tunberg. "There is no money, but you hold on", carsharing, coronavirus, PokemonGo and other events, people, phenomena - everything that defined our way of life at that time.
Leonid Parfyonov presents his other projects: recent films and the TV series "Namedni", which even now, under the conditions of relocation, has managed to continue on YouTube. This is an original, fresh look at history and at what is happening around us here and now.
There will definitely be an open dialogue with the audience and answers to questions, and after the end of the meeting - an autograph session.
Leonid Parfenov is a journalist and documentary filmmaker. He is the author of television and book projects "Namedni. Our Era" and "Russian Empire", author of many documentaries, five-time TEFI winner, author of the youtube channel "Parthenon" and the documentary series "Nmdni".