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Anna Vilensky. European Tour 2024

Anna Vilenskaya in Limassol
8.05.2024 8 May 2024
29€ - 89€
Anna Vilenskaya in Paris
16.05.2024 16 May 2024
Anna Vilenskaya in The Hague
18.05.2024 18 May 2024
The Hague
29€ - 69€
Anna Vilensky in Barcelona
19.05.2024 19 May 2024
49€ - 69€
Anna Vilenska in Prague
20.05.2024 20 May 2024
750Kč - 1200Kč
Anna Vilensky in Zurich
21.05.2024 21 May 2024
60₣ - 90₣

Anna Vilenskaya is a musicologist, lecturer and researcher of contemporary music.

Anna started giving lectures when she was still studying at the conservatory. There, lectures about music were given professionally, but with a flavor of snobbery and museum historicism. She wanted to change the approach of music storytelling towards visualization, simplicity, emotionality and practicality for the listener. It all worked out, and from 2018 to 2022 Anna gave lectures first in bars in St. Petersburg, then in libraries, and then in theaters and museums in various Russian cities.

People loved these lectures, Anna was included in the list of 30 most influential people in Russia who are under 30, she made her show with Warner music Russia and read author cycles in philharmonic societies. With the outbreak of full-scale war, Anna left with her husband to Tbilisi and now works there. Now Anna does not give lectures in philharmonic halls, but in private centers and organizations, and she also works in a school and teaches people all over the world how to give lectures with her video course.